Sunday, August 8, 2010

青红萝炖牛肉Carrot and Raddish Beef soup

Ingredients 材料:

牛肉半公斤 Beef 1/2 KG
青萝卜一个 Radish 1
红萝卜两个 Carrots 2
红枣100克 Red dates 100Gram
枸子50克 Goji Berry 50Gram
食盐少许 Salt
Parsley 1 stalk

Methods 做法:
1 把牛肉切方块 Cut the beef into cube
2 把青红萝卜斜切 Cut the carrots and Radish
再用一个较大的锅(能容下小锅就能)。放进少许水,再放进一块布,把小锅放进然后再隔着大锅煮。要注意,不要让大锅的水煮干了,记得要一直加水。汤水是不会干的,就是这样才会保持汤的原汁原味.Attention: Braised soup and boiled soup is different, the soup which is braised taste better. So, use a smaller pot, boil the water(as long as the water able to cover the ingredients will do.) Put in red dates, after 10 minutes, add in radish, carrots and beef cube, add in salt. cook it until boiled. Use a bigger pot ( as long as it able to fit in the small pot), add in water, put a cloth under the pot, put in the small pot, covered and boil for 3 hours
After 3 hours, sprinkle with parsley.

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